for all Ages

World Class Care

Safe dentistry for your entire family, all under one roof

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of your home now

Dentures at the comfort

Prioritize your loved one’s comfort with the ease of at home Dentures

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Root Canal

Safe removal of any inflamed or infected area near the pulp of the teeth. Painless root canal to protect teeth from decay.

Teeth Cleaning

Pain free cleaning of Tartar & Plaque on your teeth. This will help your oral hygiene, teeth & gum health, while showcasing your white smile


Find your perfect pearly white smile with composite Veeners. These are protection layers added on top of your teeth.


No more crooked teeth with Invisalign treatment. Align all your teeth without having to wear braces.

Opening Hours

  • Monday – Saturday 09.00am – 09.00pm
  • Sunday closed

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What We Do

We have something for all your Dental Needs

Our Clinic Through the Years

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0+ Years of Experience
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Meet Our Doctors

Team of Professionals

Dr Nishant Gandhi

Dr Nishant Gandhi

MDS - Endodontist
His 17+ years of experience in Oral and Implant surgeries are not all that he is known for.
Dr. Anita Gala

Dr. Anita Gala

MDS - Prosthodontist
With more than 12 years of experience in prosthetics, dentures and implants, here is a reliable pair of hands for anyone looking for prosthetic treatments.
Dr. Harjit Kalsi

Dr. Harjit Kalsi

Oral and Maxillofacial surgery
He bring with him 17+ years of experience in Oral surgeries which has earned him the position of HOD at Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental College.
Dr. Gunjan Kedia

Dr. Gunjan Kedia

MDS - Orthodontist
A member of the India Dental Association & Orthodontic Society. She specializes in Dentofacial orthopedist, cosmetic and aesthetic dentistry with more than 12 years of expertise.
Dr. Richa Kapoor

Dr. Richa Kapoor

MDS - Periodontics
Having trained dentists from 10+ countries, her experience and expertise shines through when it comes to gums.
Dr. Sandeep Patel

Dr. Sandeep Patel

MDS - Periodontics & Implantology
He comes in with 23+ years of experience in Implantology, with the expertise to tackle almost every single case.


What Our Patients Say About Us

Why Choose Us

Let Us Help You

Paediatric dentistry

Pediatric dentists are dedicated to the oral health of children from infancy through the teen years. They have the experience and qualifications to care for a child’s teeth, gums, and mouth throughout the various stages of childhood. Children are not just small adults. They are not always able to be patient and cooperative during a dental exam. Pediatric dentists know how to examine and treat children.

Oral and maxillofacial surgery

Oral surgery deals with the treatment and ongoing management of irregularities and pathology of the jaw and mouth that require surgical intervention.Surgically removing teeth is the most common procedure that oral surgeons perform, but oral surgery as a specialty has a broad scope. This includes managing hard and soft tissue pathology, oral infections, dentoalveolar trauma and oro-facial pain.

Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry concerned with the growth of the face, the development of teeth and jaws and the correction and prevention of abnormalities. Orthodontics has a strong hospital-based consultant service which concentrates on treating the more severe abnormalities. That said, orthodontic specialty practice in the high street is well-developed and expanding with opportunities for NHS.